Drayton Community Infant School


Fit, Fun, Forever

PE Vision Statement

Fit: At Drayton Infant School our vision for Physical Education, School Sport and physical activity is that every child will become more physically literate: being motivated, more confident, gain motor competences, knowledge and understanding and value and take responsibility for their own learning.

Fun: We aim to provide the children with at least 2 hours of fun, meaningful, challenging, active and inclusive PE lessons every week and to keep the children healthy and active every day with at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day and by educating them on a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle.

Forever: We hope that, through all the PE lessons, school sporting opportunities and physical activities we offer, the children will develop a love and passion for sport and physical activity which will continue into their later lives, and they will aim to live healthy lives.

At Drayton Infants we also strive to give as many children as possible the opportunity to participate in a variety of inclusive in-school festivals. We hope that in doing so the children will gain greater confidence and competence, practise and develop skills learnt in PE lessons and develop their physical, emotional and social skills.

It is also important that we offer the opportunity to become a sporting leader during the children’s time at Drayton Infants. We hope the children learn the importance of communication, organisation, team work, resilience, perseverance and a respect for rules.

PE and Sport are a central part of the Drayton Infant School journey and we hope that this journey continues and prepares our children for life after Drayton Infants.

Liz Dearden – PE Lead (October 2023)