Drayton Community Infant School


Inspire Support Teach

Working collaboratively to improve outcomes and increase life chances for children

Inclusive Schools Trust (IST) is a unique Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) with a shared vision that pupils will be championed throughout their educational lives and beyond, so that they are able to reach their full potential.

IST ensures that schools within the MAT keep their identity, ethos and core beliefs and celebrate and understand the individuality of each of the schools and their communities.

We have a desire to remain small enough to fully understand the unique qualities of our individual schools, and yet large enough to have the capacity to deliver the highest quality challenge and support.


To improve life chances for children by developing a love of life-long learning, preparing children for the next stages of their lives and equipping them with the skills to further develop their own sense of responsibility.


To inspire children to be successful and have high aspirations by making inclusion a reality and developing and understanding the whole child.


To work collaboratively to champion all children striking a balance between equality of opportunity and celebration of individuality through the determination of all stakeholders going the extra mile to make a difference.



Our Trustees are responsible for the strategic vision of the schools and for supporting the Senior Leadership Teams and staff in achieving that vision. Trustees have responsibility for appointing Heads and managing the schools’ budgets, setting annual targets and monitoring performance against those targets, all in the interest of raising standards of achievement.

Each school in the Trust has a ‘Link Trustee’ that visits the school regularly to discuss issues with staff and senior leaders, attends school events and represents the Trust at school ‘Progress Boards’. 

Our school’s link Trustee is Jeff Prosser.

We have one committee within our Trust called Standards, Resources, Audit and Risk. This committee meets every four to five weeks and reports back to the full Trust Board on all business, including safeguarding.  The full Trust Board meet twice a term.  Trustees visit the school regularly, attending events and meeting with school staff in order to support the CEO in effectively monitoring the quality of education.

A Declaration of Pecuniary or Personal Interests is signed annually by every Trustee.  In every committee and full Trust Board meeting there is a standing agenda item for any changes or new interests to be declared.

For further information on the Inclusive Schools Trust, please click on the links below.
